Well established: the trade fair for all water sports fans
• The biggest and most comprehensive boat show and water sports trade fair
in Austria and Central & Eastern Europe
• The next stop after „BOOT Düsseldorf“
• Best timing for the start into the water sports season
• 320 exhibitors from Europe and overseas
• A proven crowd-puller, drawing 45.000 visitors from Austria and CEE each year
• Complete selection of boats, nautic equipment and accessoires
• Exciting product premieres, infotainment and a high-quality event programme
• All innovations and trends in the nautical sector: water sports, diving, tourism and charter offers
• Four days full of infotainment: Shows, seminars, workshops and informative lectures
• Widely advertised throughout Austria and CEE:
Comprehensive media and press coverage, Social Media (Facebook, Instagram)
• TV and radio nationwide, posters, cooperations with specialized media
• Special-Interest-Marketing and Direct Mailing
• Advertising value: 1.1 million Euro
• Proven competence and flexibility
• Full range of service
• Ideal price/performance ratio
The complete offer of the Austrian BoatShow - BOOT TULLN
• Sailing: sailing yachts, sailing boats, catamarans, trimarans, dinghy,
premium sailing schools
• Motorboats: motoryachts, motorboats, electrc boats, RIBs, rubberboats,
premium motorboat schools
• Diving: diving equipment, diving territories, international travel destinations,
education, underwater photography
• Paddling: kayaks, canoes, stand up paddling
• Funsport: windsurfing, wakeboarding, water skiing, kite surfing, foiling
• Tourism: information about the world's top water sports destinations,
marinas, worldwide boat charters
• Equipment: boat facilities, boat equipment, water sports apparel
Exhibition hall 3 – Lower Austria’s largest exhibition hall!
• Exhibition hall 3 constructed with 6,500 m² of exhibition space
Perfectly fitted out: lights at a height of 11 meters and roof ridge at 17 meters
• Exhibition hall 3, focusing on motoryachts, motorboats and electric boats
• Exhibition hall 7 restaurant constructed with 500 seats
• Conference rooms for talks, presentations and infotainment shows
• Main entrance with checkrooms
• Weather independend and handicapped accessible walkways between halls
• Sanitary facilities with toilets for disabled people
Austrian BoatShow – BOOT TULLN: The biggest and most comprehensive boat and water sports trade fair in Austria and Central and Eastern Europe
The Austrian BoatShow takes place for more than 50 years in the trade fair city: Tulln on the Danube and draws about 45,000 visitors with substantial purchasing power from Austria and abroad.
Competence centres and theme halls:
The Austrian BoatShow – BOOT TULLN offers not only a comprehensive and wide-ranging programme, it will also be organised in terms of themes.
Hall 3: Motoryachts, motorboats and electric boats
A complete offer of motoryachts, motorboats and electric boats will await the trade fair visitors in hall 3. In addition fishing boats, sport boats, water skiing boats, racing boats, power boats, walk around boats, offshore boats, day cruisers and family cruisers, motor yachts, console boats - centre console boats, excursion boats, working boats, displacement boats will be presented

Hall 4: Tourism and Charter
“Book a holiday with the professionals!” – At the Austrian BoatShow - BOOT TULLN a wide range of exclusive tour operators, a large selection of charter companies and marinas from all over the world will be present. Specialists inform about the most beautiful destinations and exciting holidays on a houseboat, sailboat, catamaran or motorboat. Numerous experts provide information and support on individual trips and insider tips.

Hall 4 and Hall 5: The sailing competence centre of the Austrian BoatShow
Sailing is the major theme of halls 4 and 5: professionals will provide comprehensive information from Optimists to Star boats: dinghies, sport catamarans, trimarans, etc. Sailing and surfing schools present their offer for beginners and professionals. Workshops, interesting lectures, product presentations and discussions take place on the competence and action stage in hall 4.

Hall 4 / Hall 5 / Hall 6: Equipment and nautical accessoires
A complete range of boat equipment, boat electronics, technical accessoires, high-quality functional clothing, marina equipment or engines will be presented in these halls.

Hall 6: Funsport
Manufacturers and dealers provide the complete market overview with all brands from the stand up paddling and fun sports. A large selection of stand up paddle boards and everything on the topics: water skiing, windsurfing, kite surfing, wakeboarding and foiling are located in hall 6.

Hall 6: canoes, kayaks, rowboats & co.
Is there anything more appealing than setting out in a boat on your holidays to explore new places, to make river tours, to paddle along coastlines or simply to discover a beautiful lake? Here you can get full information about these different types of boats. From 7 kg lightweights to folding canoes and folding boats for expeditions! In hall 6 the trade fair visitors find all information about canoes, kayaks, folding boats and rowboats.

Hall 8: Everything to meet the needs of divers
Beginner equipment up to professional diving equipment, diving technology, diving and adventure trips, diving safaris, diving centers & resorts, diving training and courses, children's diving, free diving, underwater photography. Visitors can gain their first experiences underwater during trial diving in the diving tower. NEW: Exhibitors can present their products and innovations in the diving tower.

Hall 10: Sailing yachts and sailboats
The sailing yachts, sailboats, trimarans and daysailers anchor in hall 10. All well-known shipyards head to the BOOT TULLN for the official start of the season for the Austrian water sports scene and show a cross-selection of dinghies, catamarans, trimarans, sailboats and sailing yachts up to 50 feet. All series shipyards and manufacturers present their innovations for sailing here.